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Dancing Ducks!
Animals | Portfolio | Workshop demos
A step tutorial with line and watercolour to create a lovely sketch of these dancing ducks!

Le Maillot Jaune
Originals & Prints | Portfolio | Sold | Vif!
Juillet 2011 Tour de France, Aigne En maillot vert Mark Cavendish (GB), en maillot jaune Thomas Voeckler (FR) Direct Watercolour on Monali paper 81cm x 66cm – SOLD

Côte d’Azur
Portfolio | Workshop demos
Dive into the big blue and create 2 striking sketches along this famous and beautiful coastline.

La Tour & La Table
Portfolio | Workshop demos
A series of short step-by-step videos to guide you through this quick ink and watercolour sketch of a view at a local château.

Petit Déjeuner
Food | Portfolio | Workshop demos
Sketch a landscape view overlooking a local vineyard and le petit déjeuner!